consulatul onorific
In incercarea de a afla ce este consulul onorific, am adunat o gramada de link-uri si public lista celor din USA, urmand a o distila mai tarziu.
Cateva din linkurile din subsol raspund intrebarii, dar imi este in continuare neclar.
Iata si lista consulatelor onorifice din SUA:
- Atlanta — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 182 Sams Dr.
Fayetteville, GA 30340
PHONE: (678) 228.6682 - Boston — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 85 East India Row, Apt 4H
Boston, MA 02110
PHONE: (617) 624.0228 - Cleveland — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 1422 Euclid Avenue Suite 1610
Cleveland, OH 44115
PHONE: (216) 577.3009 - Dallas — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 1401 Elm Street #3366
Dallas, TX 75202
PHONE: (214) 522.3799 - Detroit — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 613 Abbott Street
Detroit MI 48226-2521
PHONE: (313) 442.1320 - Hartford — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS c/o Murtha Cullina LLP
185 Asylum Street, 29th Floor
Hartford, CT 06103
PHONE: (860) 240.6081 - Houston — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 4265 San Felipe, Suite 220
Houston, TX 77027
PHONE: (713) 629.1551 - Indianapolis — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 5705 W. 73rd St.
Indianapolis IN 46278
PHONE: (317) 291.0600 - Las Vegas — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 711 Rancho Circle
Las Vegas, NV 89107
PHONE: (702) 878.5534 - Miami — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 641 S. Mashta Drive
Key Biscayne, FL 33149
PHONE LOCAL: (305) 361.6441 - Minneapolis — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 1250 East Moore Lake Drive, Suite 242
Minneapolis, MN 55432-5135
PHONE: (612) 574.9472 - New Orleans — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 1021 Chartres Street
New Orleans LA 70116
PHONE: (504) 525.4341 - Norfolk — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 464 S. Independence Blvd., Suite C-112
Norfolk, VA
PHONE: (757) 456.9463 - Philadelphia — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 1907 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-5732
PHONE: (215) 735.7978 - Portland, Oregon — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 888 SW Fifth Ave #1200
Portland, OR 97206
PHONE: (503) 382.5165 - San Francisco — Romanian Honorary Consulate
ADDRESS 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 400
San Francisco, CA 94104
PHONE: (415) 743.2210 - New York — Romanian Permanent Mission to the UN
ADDRESS 573-577 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10016
PHONE: (212) 682.3273
Surse / + info: aad-diff, w-consul, fb-vid, pro-conque, li-spp, ci-roinque, emb-honconsque, mtrlmae813, tomae820, mtrmae225, mae3322, mae15002, rohonconlv, roconwa, conwin-calhum, dwn-1276810, mae1871, md-conono, gr-diff, careproj-rolegPDF, adv-cononoputin
azr: #consul, #consulat, #consul onorific, #consulat onorific, #onorific, #afaceri externe, #mae, #ministerul afacerilor externe, #birocratie, #diplomatie (Tags)
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