Earrings in urechile ei Cercei

L-am mentionat pe Andries in primul articol aici, si de-atunci, am tot vrut sa scriu despre el mai pe larg. Si cum recent am avut o convorbire cu o prietena, unde m-a rugat sa-i citesc ceva in romana, si am vrut sa-i citesc ceva tradus deja.

screenshot of Signal convoSingura traducere pe care am putut s-o gasesc (lt-aacciiue) nu e taman buna. Desigur, apreciez ca cineva a stat sa traduca, dar am impresia ca sunt cateva greseli majore, care reduc traducerea la stadiul de traducere gugu. Eu macar folosesc Deepl!

Poti citi originalul (in romana, evident: aff-astepc) si-l poti asculta in 2 versiuni : cea mai si A M.

The links immediately above are the original song on YouTube (in Romanian). The following is a quick translation, without rhyming; I will create a gDoc where I will continue work on the rhymes, time permitting.

Earrings (in her ears)

Her eyes beyond compare
Bewitched me instantly,
She told me she has a twin brother
And that she usually has no luck;
I said I had no brother either
And that I am a lucky guy,
She laughed, tossing back her hair
And said everything’s upside down;

So I asked her (for starters)
To take off her earrings,
To help me figure out whether
I'm talking to her brother;

The white dress, in a second (my voice
Was hovering close to the ceiling,
My usually small room
Was deep and wide as an ocean;
And she asked me if I still believed
That I am talking to her brother,
And I said, I haven't decided yet.
Because she hasn't touched her earrings.

Please don't
Look at me like that (please),
Be patient with me
And don't
Give up,
Please, please, please!

She asked me if I make a list        
With the women in my life
And if such a list exists,
Where would she fit in?

She asked me who's to blame
For the way I am,
And if the person who's to blame
Is of my mind or from the earth.

She smiled at me, but she had in her eyes
A very serious knife
So I answered (because that’s how I roll)
That everything’s upside down.
Don't ask me where you can call her,
Don't ask me her name,
You find her in a million:
She wears earrings (in her ears).

Am facut cateva schimbari de stil: am inrosit ce apare in carticica de la Asteptand-o pe Maria dar nu si in versiunea initiala, cenzurata si cantata, am subliniat ce e important, si am “italicizat” ce canta Maria (vocea feminina).

Ar fi interesant de discutat in ce masura cenzura a imbunatatit textul initial. Presupun ca doamnele si domnisoarele ar prefera textul cenzurat, in timp ce masculii s-ar buluci sa proslaveasca partea albastra.

Toate versurile lui Andries pot fi gasite pe Cyberioare (aff-astepc), but translations are harder to find (e.g., when at home, presa).

Surse / + info: lt-aacciiue, aff-astepc


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